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The Evanston Woman's Board Membership Information

We are pleased you are interested in the Evanston Woman’s Board of Northwestern Settlement House! As you learn more about the staff, programs and goals of Settlement, we think you will understand our Board’s commitment to this organization which has been helping people help themselves to overcome generational poverty for over 130 years. The Board’s primary responsibility is to support the Settlement financially, but we also provide direct support to those who come to the Settlement in various ways including volunteering and special projects. We are the oldest of several auxiliary boards providing funding along with other private and corporate donors. For over 100 years, our Board’s financial support of the Settlement has been done through our endowment and annual Dollar Letter Campaign.


The Evanston Woman’s Board usually meets the third Tuesday of each month except for March, July, and August. Attendance at every meeting is not required, but is important in terms of staying informed and involved in various projects and plans. Members are expected to help host or co-host a meeting every year or two — a lunch, dinner, or coffee. More than half the meetings during the year are in the evening.

A member’s personal obligation is:

  • Junior Associate Member Dues: $150 payable in July, which directly supports activities at Northwestern Settlement. A Junior Associate Membership is limited to five years.

  • Member Dues: $300 payable in July, which directly supports activities at Northwestern Settlement and the Board’s operating expenses.

  • Participation in the Annual Dollar Letter Campaign: The Dollar Letter Campaign has been the main fundraiser for the Evanston Women’s Board since 1909 when friends and neighbors were asked to “give just a dollar.” Members send an invitation/solicitation to contribute in support of our annual commitment to Northwestern Settlement. An individual donation to the Dollar Letter can be made in lieu of writing letters – a minimum required amount will be determined by the board Finance Chair; in addition, members may also organize an individual fundraising event.

  • Share hosting responsibilities at one of the Board Meetings

  • Select from many “hands on” activities as time and interest permit. Popular activities include, but are not limited to, the Annual Holiday Adopt-a-Family project, serving Thanksgiving dinner at Settlement, lunch with the Early Childhood Education parents, tutoring children, volunteering at the food pantry, and maintaining the courtyard garden at the Settlement.

If you have any questions, please contact us by email, phone, or fill out the form below.

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